The Song of the


Sacred Gong

Traditional Gong Meditation CD

In primordial India kings and generals listened to this gong meditation to foresee
Future Events.

An almost lost art Sat Jiwan received his gong meditation instruction from a direct unbroken line of successive gong meditation teachers, a flow of knowledge uninterrupted since ancient times.

This natural healing gong meditation uplifts, heals and balances the sub-conscious mind and the spiritually balancing secretions. It clears the nadis and raises spiritual energy. It is an additional tool for enhancing the sound current.

This ancient and spiritual gong meditation was used over the centuries to provide clarity of sacred vision by cleansing the sub-conscious mind and strengthening the aura and the auric field.

This easy natural meditation with the gong balances each chakra and aligns all the chakras. It raises vibrational energy and can help release stress.

Sat Jiwan is a master of this unique and unusual art form of playing the ancient healing gong.


Never before possible until the advent of
Digital Technology is the healing uplifting
Symphonic Gong CD Meditation Recording.

Internationally known producer Liv Singh Khalsa of Invincible Recording Studios doubled as producer and photographer.

The gong must be in the correct tonal range to achieve it's complete balancing effects.

Digitally recorded--the tonal range this gong meditation was designed to create is now possible and can at last be shared with
a larger audience.

The technique of recognizing the qualities of the correct tonal range is handed down from teacher to student.

Sat Jiwan plays a 32" Paiste symphonic gong in the ancient traditional gong meditation style allowing the flow of vibration from the gong to the listener and beyond.

Following a gong meditation or gong CD experience drink additional quantities of water for three days to enhance the effects as it works for you on the cellular level.

To purchase the "Song of the Sacred Gong" CD see your local distributor or send $16.00 on-line via PAYPAL for Visa, Master Card, Discover, Personal American Express accounts, UK Switch and Solo payments and Paypal direct payments. Use PAYPAL's Secure Server by clicking on the link below.

Please note to use MC, Visa etc WITHOUT Paypal click on Buy it now and go to the bottom LEFT of the screen - where is says "Don't have a PayPal account?" Use your credit card or bank account (where available) click CONTINUE


You can also send a Check or Money Order to the address below.

Carefully wrapped cash. We don't accept responsibility for arrival,

Canadian Money Order in US Dollars

Shipping to the US is FREE.. International shipping is FREE. Paypal Free to Buyers. Check or Money Order in US dollars to:
Daya Leemhuis



531 Kachina Circle, Coolidge, Arizona 85228 USA










PLEASE e-mail your shipping address to

Sat Nam, Namaste and Blessing in all forms,
The Gong CD Staff






Sacred Treasures Enterprises, 531 Kachina Circle,
Coolidge, Arizona, 85228, USA

The Sacred Gong CD Staff
phone:  520-723-0050 


The CD arrived yesterday. I am very happy with it and look forward to the many meditations to come.
Thank you for such an easy and pleasant transaction. Best wishes for 2008! - C.C. Victoria, Australia

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